Explosives for civil uses - European Commission
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Explosives for civil uses

Directive 2014/28/EU

Short name

Explosives for civil uses


Directive 2014/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market and supervision of explosives for civil uses (recast). Applicable from 20 April 2016.
OJ L 96, 29 March 2014



Directives repealed (applicable until 20 April 2016)

Council Directive 93/15/EEC of 5 April 1993 on the harmonization of the provisions relating to the placing on the market and supervision of explosives for civil uses.
OJ No L 121 of 15 May 1993

Guide for application
Commission contact point

Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Webpage on specific chemicals - explosives

For information about the content and availability of European standards, please contact the European Standardisation Organisations.


Publications in the Official Journal

Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Directive 2014/28/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market and supervision of explosives for civil uses (recast) - OJ C 118 of 12 April 2017

(This list replaces all the previous lists published in the Official Journal.)

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Summary list of titles and references of harmonised standards under Directive 2014/28/EU for explosives for civil uses

The summary list hereunder is a compilation of the references of harmonised standards which have been generated by the HAS (Harmonised standards) database. This IT application HAS automates the process of the publication of the references of harmonised standards in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Although the list is updated regularly, it may not be complete and it does not have any legal validity; only publication in the Official Journal gives legal effect.

(Publication of titles and references of harmonised standards under Union harmonisation legislation)

ESO (1)Reference and title of the standard
(and reference document)
First publication OJReference of superseded standardDate of cessation of presumption of conformity of superseded standard
Note 1

EN 13630-1:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 1: Requirements

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-2:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 2: Determination of thermal stability of detonating cords and safety fuses

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-3:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 3: Determination of sensitiveness to friction of the core of detonating cords

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-4:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 4: Determination of sensitiveness to impact of detonating cords

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-5:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 5: Determination of resistance to abrasion of detonating cords

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-6:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 6: Determination of resistance to tension of detonating cords

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-7:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 7: Determination of reliability of initiation of detonating cords

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-8:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 8: Determination of resistance to water of detonating cords and safety fuses

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-9:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 9: Determination of transmission of detonation from detonating cord to detonating cord

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-10:2005

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 10: Determination of initiating capability of detonating cords

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-11:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 11: Determination of velocity of detonation of detonating cords

This is the first publication  

EN 13630-12:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonating cords and safety fuses - Part 12: Determination of burning duration of safety fuses

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-1:2005

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 1: Requirements

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-2:2002

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 2: Determination of thermal stability of explosives

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-3:2004

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 3: Determination of sensitiveness to friction of explosives

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-4:2002

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 4: Determination of sensitiveness to impact of explosives

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-5:2002

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 5: Determination of resistance to water

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-6:2002

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 6: Determination of resistance to hydrostatic pressure

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-7:2003

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 7: Determination of safety and reliability at extreme temperatures

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-10:2003

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 10: Method for the verification of the means of initiation

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-11:2003

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 11: Determination of transmission of detonation

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-12:2004

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 12: Specifications of boosters with different initiating capability

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-13:2003

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 13: Determination of density

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-14:2003

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 14: Determination of velocity of detonation

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-15:2005

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 15: Calculation of thermodynamic properties

This is the first publication  

EN 13631-16:2004

Explosives for civil uses - High explosives - Part 16: Detection and measurement of toxic gases

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-1:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 1: Requirements

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-2:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 2: Determination of thermal stability

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-3:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 3: Determination of sensitiveness to impact

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-4:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 4: Determination of resistance to abrasion of leading wires and shock tubes

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-5:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 5: Determination of resistance to cutting damage of leading wires and shock tubes

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-6:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 6: Determination of resistance to cracking in low temperatures of leading wires

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-7:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 7: Determination of the mechanical strength of leading wires, shock tubes, connections, crimps and closures

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-8:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 8: Determination of the resistance to vibration of plain detonators

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-9:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 9: Determination of resistance to bending of detonators

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-11:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 11: Determination of resistance to damage by dropping of detonators and relays

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-12:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 12:Determination of resistance to hydrostatic pressure

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-13:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 13: Determination of resistance of electric detonators to electrostatic discharge

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-15:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 15: Determination of equivalent initiating capability

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-16:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 16: Determination of delay accuracy

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-17:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 17: Determination of no-fire current of electric detonators

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-18:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 18: Determination of series firing current of electric detonators

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-19:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 19: Determination of firing impulse of electric detonators

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-20:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 20: Determination of total electrical resistance of electric detonators

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-21:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 21: Determination of flash-over voltage of electric detonators

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-22:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 22: Determination of capacitance, insulation resistance and insulation breakdown of leading wires

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-23:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 23: Determination of the shock-wave velocity of shock tube

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-24:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 24: Determination of the electrical non-conductivity of shock tube

This is the first publication  

EN 13763-25:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Detonators and relays - Part 25: Determination of transfer capability of surface connectors, relays and coupling accessories

This is the first publication  

EN 13857-1:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Part 1: Terminology

This is the first publication  

EN 13857-3:2002

Explosives for civil uses - Part 3: Information to be provided by the manufacturer or his authorised representative to the user

This is the first publication  

EN 13938-1:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Propellants and rocket propellants - Part 1: Requirements

This is the first publication  
EN 13938-1:2004/AC:2006This is the first publication  

EN 13938-2:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Propellants and rocket propellants - Part 2: Determination of resistance to electrostatic energy

This is the first publication  

EN 13938-3:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Propellants and rocket propellants - Part 3: Determination of deflagration to detonation transition

This is the first publication  

EN 13938-4:2003

Explosives for civil uses - Propellants and rocket propellants - Part 4: Determination of burning rate under ambient conditions

This is the first publication  

EN 13938-5:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Propellants and rocket propellants - Part 5: Determination of voids and fissures

This is the first publication  

EN 13938-7:2004

Explosives for civil uses - Propellants and rocket propellants - Part 7: Determination of properties of black powder

This is the first publication  

(1) ESO: European standardisation organisation:

CEN: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000, Brussels, Tel.+32 2 5500811; fax +32 2 5500819 (http://www.cen.eu)

CENELEC: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000, Brussels, Tel.+32 2 5196871; fax +32 2 5196919 (http://www.cenelec.eu)

ETSI: 650, route des Lucioles, F-06921 Sophia Antipolis, Tel.+33 492 944200; fax +33 493 654716, (http://www.etsi.eu)

Note 1: Generally the date of cessation of presumption of conformity will be the date of withdrawal (“dow”), set by the European standardisation organisation, but attention of users of these standards is drawn to the fact that in certain exceptional cases this can be otherwise.

Note 2.1: The new (or amended) standard has the same scope as the superseded standard. On the date stated, the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant Union legislation.

Note 2.2: The new standard has a broader scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant Union legislation.

Note 2.3: The new standard has a narrower scope than the superseded standard. On the date stated the (partially) superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant Union legislation for those products or services that fall within the scope of the new standard. Presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant Union legislation for products or services that still fall within the scope of the (partially) superseded standard, but that do not fall within the scope of the new standard, is unaffected.

Note 3: In case of amendments, the referenced standard is EN CCCCC:YYYY, its previous amendments, if any, and the new, quoted amendment. The superseded standard therefore consists of EN CCCCC:YYYY and its previous amendments, if any, but without the new quoted amendment. On the date stated, the superseded standard ceases to give presumption of conformity with the essential or other requirements of the relevant Union legislation.