Improving conditions for competitiveness - European Commission Skip to main content
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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Improving conditions for competitiveness

COSME aims to create more favourable conditions for the creation of businesses and growth through several means, as described below.

The reduction of the administrative and regulatory burden

Action Programme for Reducing Administrative Burdens in the EU

Research indicates that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are disproportionately affected by regulation, so COSME aims to lighten the administrative burden on businesses by removing unnecessary reporting and information requirements. Actions include

  • measuring the impact of EU law on SMEs
  • developing smart and business-friendly regulation
  • reinforcing the ‘Think Small First’ principle for policy-making at national and regional level

The identification and exchange of best practice among national administrations to improve SME policy

Initiatives at national, regional, and local level will be launched. One of these is the European Enterprise Awards to reward the promotion of SMEs and entrepreneurship, particularly at regional and local level.

Analytical tools for better policy

COSME will support conferences and analytical tools such as the SME Performance Review.