3Rs Student Grants 2024: call for submissions - European Commission
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3Rs Student Grants 2024: call for submissions

The European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA) helps students and young scientists with outstanding work in the field of alternative approaches to attend a high-profile scientific event.

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Every year, a number of high-profile international meetings bring together world-class scientists working on the development and acceptance of 3R alternatives to animal testing (Replacement, Reduction or Refinement).

Costs linked to participation may prevent students with promising work or young scientists at the beginning of their career from attending these events. The EPAA partners are therefore happy to sponsor the 3Rs Student Grants to facilitate the participation of students and young scientists in such events.

A jury will assess the applications and propose a list of selected candidates to the EPAA Steering Committee. The jury will be composed of 4 members (two from the Industry and two from the European Commission) who will judge.

This year, a full grant of €1000 and a half grant of €500 are available for ESTIV 2024, EUSAAT 2024 and EUROTOX 2024.

All grants cover the reimbursement of the event registration fees for the student/young scientist as well as travel and accommodation fees, on the basis of the expense receipts. The payment will be made after the event.