European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing - European Commission
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European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing



About the EPAA

History and rationale

Launched in November 2005 with the support of European Commissioners Verheugen and Potocnik, the EPAA began operations in 2006. It completed a first mandate of 5 years by the end of 2010.

Due to the encouraging results of the EPAA's projects, the mandate has been renewed for 5-year terms since.

The EPAA action programme 2021-2025 (92 kB) focuses on facilitating regulatory acceptance.


The vision of EPAA is the replacement, reduction and refinement (3Rs) of animal use for meeting regulatory requirements through better and more predictive science.

The EPAA vision and mission paper (340 kB)

We value your privacy. See the EPAA privacy statement on the protection of your personal data.

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