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EPAA launches designathon for human systemic toxicity

On 31 May, the ‘New approach methodologies workshop: Towards an animal free regulatory system for industrial chemicals’ took place at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in Helsinki. During this workshop, the EPAA launched its designathon for human systemic toxicity.

A drawing of test tubes filled with green, orange and red liquid. A black strip across the test tubes reads: EPAA, followed by NAM Designathon

Submissions on the use of NAM-based solutions - to inform the development of a potential future classification system for human systemic toxicity - can be sent to the EPAA. Please see further details about the designathon and look out for orientation webinars explaining more about the project in July 2023. The challenge is to propose prototype NAM-based solutions for discussion at a workshop in early 2024.

The EPAA would like to encourage as many different teams as possible to participate and bring their creative scientific ideas to this important topic.

Designathon Workshop 20-22 March - webstream

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) Deputy Director-General Salla Saastamoinen opened the EPAA NAMs Designathon Workshop, which took place at the JRC in Ispra on 20th March. EPAA and JRC colleagues then set the scene for the workshop and reminded all participants about the aims of the challenge.

The rest of the meeting focused on discussions, collaboration and co-creation between the participants who submitted solutions to the designathon challenge. You can watch the recorded opening session of this designathon. The posters created by each group for the designation are also available in the table below.

On 8 May, we organised a webinar from 11:00-12:00 CET to report on the outcome of this designathon and next steps. A flash report was produced and is available to read.

Watch the recording

Information webinar - recording

An information webinar was organised on 13 July 2023. You watch the recording below and also read answers to all the questions asked during the webinar.

Next phase

The designathon is entering the next phase, which aims to build on the work done during the pilot phase while maintaining the spirit of co-creation that defines this initiative. 

It will focus on exploring 3 key areas identified during the EPAA NAMs Designathon Workshop in greater depth: chemical space, biological space and classification strategies. 

The EPAA will establish 3 working groups to address these topics. A new NAM Designathon Steering Team that will oversee the activities. Please see further details in the terms of reference.

How to join

Those of you that did not register by the deadline 1 August 2023 can still participate, but you need to provide your solution by the end of the year.

Please let us know if you join for this pilot phase by emailing JRC-EPAA-DESIGNATHONatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-EPAA-DESIGNATHON[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu). You can download the REFERENCE LIST OF CHEMICALS and reporting template here.

General publications2 August 2023
Reference list of chemicals
General publications2 August 2023
Reporting template

In case you have unanswered questions, please share them in the EPAA NAM Designathon LinkedIn group, or write to JRC-EPAA-DESIGNATHONatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-EPAA-DESIGNATHON[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)

Submit your NAMs-based solution prior to 31 December 2023 by email to JRC-EPAA-DESIGNATHONatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-EPAA-DESIGNATHON[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)