Project pipeline - European Commission
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Project pipeline of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

European Clean Hydrogen Alliance banner

To facilitate investments in clean hydrogen, the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance has prepared a pipeline of viable investment projects. The project pipeline provides an overview of hydrogen projects, helps create integrated European hydrogen value chains, and profiles projects, in particular with investors.

The pipeline was first unveiled at the third Hydrogen Forum in November 2021. Following requests from members, the alliance held a second project collection in August 2022. The pipeline now includes over 840 projects from all parts of the value chain, including 

  • hydrogen production
  • transmission and distribution
  • applications in industry, transport, energy systems, and buildings

Many projects cover hydrogen production and its use in industries such as chemicals, refining, steel, or transport, particularly heavy-duty road transport and maritime transport. The projects are located across Europe, with many set to enter into operation by the end of 2025. The deployment of these clean hydrogen projects will play a significant role in helping the EU reduce its dependence on Russian gas and meet decarbonisation targets.

Pie chart showing number of projects per archetype
Project pipeline archetypes

The Commission’s services assessed these projects against a set of criteria, including project scope, project size, project maturity and emissions reduction. Inclusion in the alliance project pipeline does not convey any direct financial or regulatory advantage. The alliance does not award any financing to projects.

Map showing number of projects based in different EU countries
Project pipeline location

Download the complete project pipeline.

Alternatively, you can search for projects by project archetype (type of project), location, promoter, or planned launch date.