The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was set up in July 2020 to support the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen technologies by 2030. It brings together renewable and low-carbon hydrogen production, demand in industry, mobility and other sectors, and hydrogen transmission and distribution. Its members come from industry, public authorities, civil society, and other stakeholders.

What the alliance does
The alliance aims to promote investments and stimulate clean hydrogen production and use. It is part of the EU’s efforts to ensure industrial leadership and accelerate the decarbonisation of industry in line with climate change objectives.
Read more on the alliance’s structure (including roundtables, working groups, and the electrolyser partnership).
Alliance achievements
Since its creation in July 2020, the alliance has had several notable achievements. See a snapshot below.
October 2021
The alliance roundtables presented a report on barriers to the large-scale deployment of clean hydrogen in the EU. The report identified market, regulatory, infrastructure and technological barriers for the different parts of the hydrogen value chain. For some of these barriers, the report proposed mitigation measures.
November 2021
The alliance presented an ambitious pipeline of 750+ viable investment projects for large-scale renewable and low-carbon hydrogen deployment. The pipeline aims to facilitate the creation of European hydrogen value chains and profile hydrogen projects, particularly with investors. This pipeline was updated in autumn 2022 with additional projects, bringing the total to more than 840, demonstrating the dynamism of the European hydrogen ecosystem.
May 2022
The alliance organised an Electrolyser Summit. During this event, the Commission and 20 CEOs signed a joint declaration whereby industry committed to a tenfold increase of its electrolyser manufacturing capacities by 2025. It will help the EU meet its production target of 10 million tons of renewable hydrogen by 2030, as set out in the March 2022 REPowerEU Communication. See the press release.
Hydrogen Forum June 2022
The alliance permitting working group presented its report identifying barriers to the permitting of hydrogen projects, describing good and bad practices and making policy recommendations.
July and September 2022
The first two sets of important projects of common European interest (IPCEI) received approval from the European Commission, unlocking more than €10 billion in public investment and potentially more than €15 billion in private investment.
How to join the alliance
Any organisation with activities in renewable or low-carbon hydrogen that also meets the membership criteria may apply to join the alliance. Please read the membership criteria for more details. Organisations must also sign the alliance declaration, committing to share the alliance’s vision and contribute to its operational work. Please click here to apply to join the alliance.
The alliance’s roundtables and working groups have released several reports related to accelerating clean hydrogen deployment. In addition, the alliance organises events regularly for its members. More information about these activities is below.
- 28 January 2025Electrolyser Partnership provides views on the Clean Industrial Deal
- 23 January 2025Presentation of Learnbooks on H2 supply corridors and financing
- 5 December 2024Study on permitting challenges for clean hydrogen projects
- 26 November 2024Industrial Applications roundtable publishes one-page document
- 7 November 2024Transmission & Distribution roundtable publishes Learnbook on implementing hydrogen supply corridors
- 25 September 2024Transmission & Distribution roundtable publishes Learnbook on financing hydrogen infrastructure
- 14 June 2024Industry roundtable presents report on challenges to financing of H2 projects
- 19 December 2023Transmission & Distribution roundtable publishes learnbook on hydrogen imports
- December 2023Electrolyser Partnership publishes paper and technical factsheet on CRMs for electrolysers
- 10 October 2023Industrial applications roundtable
- 27 June 2023Sixth Hydrogen Forum
- 26 June 2023State of play on the Joint Declaration
- 4 April 2023Transmission & Distribution roundtable publishes Hydrogen Supply Corridor Learnbook
- 5 December 2022Fifth Hydrogen Forum
- 16 June 2022Fourth European Hydrogen Forum
- 16 June 2022Alliance permitting working group final report
- 24 March 2022Presentation by EIB of advisory and financing services for hydrogen projects
- 22 March 2022Partnership with the European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Center
The European Commission announces partnership with EIT InnoEnergy’s European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Center to accelerate and de-risk green hydrogen projects.
See the press release
- 22 March 2022Presentation by European Commission of state aid tools of relevance for hydrogen projects
- 10 February 2022Presentation of hydrogen and decarbonised gas package to alliance members
- 30 September 2021Meeting of all alliance members
- 21 May 2021Update for European Clean Hydrogen Alliance members on the projects collected and next steps
- 7 May 2021Closure of the project collection for European Clean Hydrogen Alliance investment pipeline
- 9 April 2021Launch of the project collection for European Clean Hydrogen Alliance investment pipeline
- 23 October - 13 November 2020Call for participation in European Clean Hydrogen Alliance round table
- 8 July 2020Kick-off meeting of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
- 10 March 2020European Clean Hydrogen Alliance announced in the new industrial strategy for Europe
- Reports of the alliance roundtables on barriers and mitigation measures - October 2021
- Guidelines for competition law compliance within the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
- Communication on updating the industrial strategy for recovery and a stronger single market
- The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance declaration
- Members of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
- EU hydrogen strategy - July 2020
- New industrial strategy for Europe - March 2020