Publication of the first group of EU mobility pledges and new call for pledges - European Commission Skip to main content
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  • News article
  • 16 December 2024
  • Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • 1 min read

Publication of the first group of EU mobility pledges and new call for pledges

Today, the European Commission published the first group of selected pledges submitted by stakeholders as part of the co-implementation phase of the transition pathway for a green, digital, and resilient EU mobility industrial ecosystem. 

This follows the first call for pledges, open between 16 April and 1 October 2024, following the release of the transition pathway for mobility report in January.

First round results

The Commission selected 80 pledges out of 111 submissions that met the call’s criteria: concrete action, relevance, target and timeframe. These pledges cover 18 of the pathway’s 21 priority areas, including sustainable competitiveness, resilience, innovation, and future of the workforce. The selected pledges involve 45 organisations, notably companies, associations, social partners, public authorities, research institutes and financial institutes, across 10 EU countries.

Examples of pledges

Submitted pledges refer to several impactful initiatives. For instance, some aim to upskill or reskill the workforce in the automotive sector and increase the share of women in senior leadership positions in rail supply companies. Others support the uptake of recycled aluminium for the production of bicycles and reduce emissions and noise in ship-repair drydock facilities. Additionally, initiatives focus on implementing safe, digitalised, and automated processes to dismantle vessels, as well as promoting innovation in cooperative automated vehicles, digital infrastructure, and traffic management systems. 

National, regional, and local authorities also committed to the transition through pledges and targets to decarbonise mobility, namely by investing in zero-emission public transport solutions, electrification and associated infrastructure, as well as parking stations for bicycles and other personal mobility devices. 

See a summary of selected first-round pledges.

Second call for pledges

Today, the Commission launches a second call for pledges, which will remain open until 28 February 2025. After the second round closes, we will conduct an in-depth assessment of both rounds to prepare the first interim stock-taking report. 

See the second call for pledges.

More information

Mobility transition pathway webpage