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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
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(Conference Paper) European firm concentration and aggregate productivity

This paper derives a European Herfindahl–Hirschman concentration index from 15 micro-aggregated country datasets. It finds that changes in concentration in Europe are positively associated with changes in productivity and allocative efficiency.


10.2873/038934, 978-92-76-60467-9
Part of collections
Publication date
22 December 2022
Tommaso Bighelli | Matthias Mertens | Filippo Di Mauro | Marc J. Melitz


This paper derives a European Herfindahl–Hirschman concentration index from 15 micro-aggregated country datasets. It finds that changes in concentration in Europe are positively associated with changes in productivity and allocative efficiency.


  • 7 DECEMBER 2022
European firm concentration and aggregate productivity