- Publication date
- 7 March 2022 (Last updated on: 27 March 2024)
- Author
- Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Disclaimer: Views expressed in the Single Market Economics Papers are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the European Commission.
WP2025/31 - Transitioning towards a greener economy means profound changes in industries and employment. This paper examines the challenges of employment transitions with a focus on the geographical and social implications of structural shifts.
WP2025/30 - This paper focuses on a selection of products where Europe has a dependence and on a set of products relevant for the twin transition and, based on the economic literature on capabilities, identifies which products are closest to countries’ productive capabilities.
WP2024/29 - This paper analyzes a policy toolbox encompassing trade, industrial, and public policies and their effects on the EU and its geographical regions.
WP2024/28 - This paper investigates how the import relations of the European Union (EU) have recently shifted in an increasingly fragmented global trade environment.
WP2024/27 - This paper aims to develop a ‘proof of concept’ for testing the resilience of sectoral supply chain networks at firm level against an exogenous shock to critical inputs.
WP2024/26 - This paper uses the computable general equilibrium model JRC-GEM-E3 to assess how energy price shocks affect the tourism industry in the EU.
WP2024/25 - The paper shows that the gains from European integration are substantial, albeit heterogeneous across Member States and sectors, and that the cost of strategic autonomy can be offset by deeper, but comparatively more modest, integration efforts within the European Single Market.
WP2024/24 - The EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) is at the core of the bloc's industrial decarbonization efforts. This paper explores whether there is a causal relationship between industrial firms’ emission intensity and their economic and financial performance.
WP2024/23 - This paper focuses on how fragmented regulatory authority exposes foreign investors to expropriation and information risks.
WP2024/22 - This paper addresses these challenges to investigate the citizen-level elements of accountability in the European Single Market.
WP2024/21 - This paper focuses on the structural features of financial systems and builds an index to benchmark EU financial systems against their potential to enhance resilient growth and international risk sharing.
WP2024/20 - This paper studies the general equilibrium effects of carbon permit banking during the transition to a climate-neutral economy by 2050.
WP2024/19 - This paper proposes an alternative policy to the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): the Leakage Border Adjustment Mechanism (LBAM).
WP2024/17 - This essay suggests that there is a need for a Catalytic Industrial Policy (CIP) aimed at maximising positive outcomes on three axes at the same time – the green, the digital and the social – in order to speed up their realisation.
WP2024/18 - This paper analyzes how European monetary integration has affected US outward FDI (OFDI), which we call the 'euro effect'.
This paper highlights different angles of EU-China exposure across trade, investment and technology.
WP2023/15 - We examine whether the European Union (EU) is providing a model for other countries for product requirements aimed at protecting health, safety, and the environment.
WP2023/16 - This paper presents an analytical framework for identifying and assessing the regional impacts of the green transition.
WP2023/14 - This article develops an enhanced bottom-up and data-driven methodology to detect EU strategic dependencies using highly disaggregated product-level trade data.
WP2022/13 - This paper studies the impact of the threat of trade barriers caused by the Brexit referendum on labour markets.
WP2022/12 - This paper studies the impact of Brexit on the UK’s trade with the EU, relative to its trade with the rest of the world.
WP2022/11 - (Why) do prices and inflation rates differ within the euro area? This paper studies the relevance of a national border between Austria and Germany for grocery prices, and finds large assortment and price differences between these two regions.
WP2022/10 - This paper estimates the impact of participation in Global Value Chains (GVCs) on unemployment. It shows that a higher participation reduces the unemployment rate in less advanced EU economies, while it increases it in core countries.
WP2022/09 - This paper derives a European Herfindahl–Hirschman concentration index from 15 micro-aggregated country datasets. It finds that changes in concentration in Europe are positively associated with changes in productivity and allocative efficiency.
WP2022/08 - Has the Euro created a more competitive market? Using a staggered difference-in-differences design, this paper finds that the Euro has increased firm-level market power between 23% and 30%, after its adoption.
WP2022/07 - Thirty years after the 1992 deadline for 'completing' the European single market, how can we judge Europe’s progress toward that goal? How should we estimate prospective gains from further steps?
WP2022/06 - This study uses both econometric and modelling techniques to quantify the macroeconomic impact of regulatory reforms removing barriers in the European Single Market for services that have taken place in the European Union between 2006 and 2017.
WP2022/05 - This note provides an analytical contribution on the state of the single market 30 years after its establishment and the role of the single market as driver of EU resilience. It assesses developments in goods and services integration.
WP2022/04 - This paper analyses the economic implications for the European Union (EU) of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and of the following developments.
WP2022/03 - This paper proposes an indicator-based mechanism to monitor the evolution of supply chains in the EU and identify their distress.
WP2022/02 - This paper presents a decomposition of producer prices inflation between supply and demand factors. It finds that 80% of the current price pressure is due to supply shortages and only 20% to demand expansion.
WP 2022/01 - This first issue of the Directorate-General for Internal Market's Single Market Economic Papers series presents a methodology to detect and analyse supply chain disruptions.