Single Market Economics Papers - European Commission
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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
  • Working document

Single Market Economics Papers

This collection will encompass the evidence-based analytical papers of this Commission department, at times in collaboration with others, The Chief Economist Team is responsible for the series’ publication, including the peer review of the papers.


Publication date
7 March 2022 (Last updated on: 27 March 2024)
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs


Disclaimer: Views expressed in the Single Market Economics Papers are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the European Commission.


  • Report
  • Anke Hassel, Sofía Gómez, Jannik Jansen, Kilian Weil

WP2025/31 - Transitioning towards a greener economy means profound changes in industries and employment. This paper examines the challenges of employment transitions with a focus on the geographical and social implications of structural shifts.

  • Report
  • Mario Holzner

WP2024/17 - This essay suggests that there is a need for a Catalytic Industrial Policy (CIP) aimed at maximising positive outcomes on three axes at the same time – the green, the digital and the social – in order to speed up their realisation.

  • Report
  • Frank Vandermeeren

This paper highlights different angles of EU-China exposure across trade, investment and technology.

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  • Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Federico Bartalucci

WP2023/16 - This paper presents an analytical framework for identifying and assessing the regional impacts of the green transition.

  • Report
  • Rebecca Freeman, Kalina Manova, Thomas Prayer, Thomas Sampson

WP2022/12 - This paper studies the impact of Brexit on the UK’s trade with the EU, relative to its trade with the rest of the world.

  • Report
  • Tommaso Bighelli, Matthias Mertens, Filippo Di Mauro, Marc J. Melitz

WP2022/09 - This paper derives a European Herfindahl–Hirschman concentration index from 15 micro-aggregated country datasets. It finds that changes in concentration in Europe are positively associated with changes in productivity and allocative efficiency.

  • Report
  • Javier Barbero, Manol Bengyuzov, Martin Christensen, Andrea Conte, Simone Salotti, Aleksei Trofimov

WP2022/06 - This study uses both econometric and modelling techniques to quantify the macroeconomic impact of regulatory reforms removing barriers in the European Single Market for services that have taken place in the European Union between 2006 and 2017.

  • Report
  • Frank Vandermeeren

WP2022/05 - This note provides an analytical contribution on the state of the single market 30 years after its establishment and the role of the single market as driver of EU resilience. It assesses developments in goods and services integration.

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  • Francesco Di Comite, Paolo Pasimeni

WP2022/04 - This paper analyses the economic implications for the European Union (EU) of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and of the following developments.

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  • Afonso Amaral, William Connell García, Francesco Di Comite, Cristina Herghelegiu

WP2022/03 - This paper proposes an indicator-based mechanism to monitor the evolution of supply chains in the EU and identify their distress.

  • Report
  • Florence Benoit, William Connell García, Cristina Herghelegiu, Paolo Pasimeni

WP 2022/01 - This first issue of the Directorate-General for Internal Market's Single Market Economic Papers series presents a methodology to detect and analyse supply chain disruptions.