Apprenticeships for the construction industry of tomorrow - European Commission
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Apprenticeships for the construction industry of tomorrow

Companies and/or organisations interested in making a pledge should complete the application form.

Pledges could address, for example:

  • increasing the number and quality of apprenticeship places in the construction sector
  • introducing elements of training in companies, construction training centres and/or schools that have not previously taken part in such schemes
  • strengthening specific training in the construction sector, such as for energy efficiency, resource efficiency or digital economy
  • transferring apprenticeship schemes which have proven their success in a country/region to another country/region where no such scheme is being used
  • improving existing apprenticeship models, both general schemes practiced in a country/region and specific schemes in individual companies, to increase the quality, efficiency and visibility of such apprenticeship training models.

What's in it for your organisation?

By taking part in this campaign, your commitment becomes visible at EU level. The EAfA serves as a public platform to showcase commitments and to facilitate networking, cooperation and the sharing of good practices.

In 2017, 2 participants from the construction sector received the EAfA Award:

  • Schleiff Bauflächentechnik GmbH & Co (SME category) - for integrating refugees into the labour market through its apprenticeship programme
  • Hannah Colston (apprentices category) - as an exceptionally motivated advocate of VET and apprenticeships

Current pledges in the construction industry include pledges from the following organisations:

Author Type of organisation Country Start year Area of action
European Builders Confederation EBC Professional bodies and networks, Businesses Europe 2015 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility
FIEC, The European Construction Industry Federation - EFBWW, the European Federation of Building and WoodWorkers Social partners Europe 2015 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility
UNIEP - International Union of Painting Contractors Professional bodies and networks Europe 2015 Quality, Image, Mobility
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción Non-profit organisations, Education and training providers Spain 2015 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility
Bouwunie, Unie van het KMO bouwbedrijf Social partners, Education and training providers Belgium 2015 Supply, Quality, Image
Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works (PEDMEDE) Social partners, Chambers of Commerce/Industry/Crafts, Businesses Greece 2015 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility
Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH, Ausbildungszentrum der Bauindustrie Kerpen (ABZ Kerpen) Education and training providers Germany 2015 Mobility
Berufskolleg der Bauwirtschaft GmbH Education and training providers Germany 2015 Supply
Confédération Construction Bruxelles-Capitale (CCBC) Social partners Belgium 2015 Supply, Quality, Image
Fédération Nationale des Travaux Publics – FNTP Professional bodies and networks, Social partners France 2016 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility
The Danish Construction Association Social partners Denmark 2016 Supply, Image
Franz Trippe GmbH Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
HÖHLER GmbH & Co. KG Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Image
Blandfort Tief- und Straßenbau GmbH & Co. KG Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
Heinrich Mai & Sohn GmbH Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Isoliertechnik Fritz Hartmann Nachf. GmbH Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Image
ANAEPA - The National association of artisans of construction decorators, house painter or similar Professional bodies and networks Italy 2016 Quality
Berufsförderungswerk des Hamburger Baugewerbes Non-profit/youth organisations, Education and training providers Germany 2016 Image
Federation of Master Builders (FMB) Professional bodies and networks United Kingdom 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Hans-Dieter Büschkes GmbH & Co.KG Businesses Germany 2016 Supply
Berufsförderungswerk e.V. des Bauindustrieverbandes Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. Education and training providers Germany 2016 Supply, Qualityy
Kai Buschhaus Bau GmbH Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
BiW (Educational provider) and HDB (German Construction Industry Federation) Professional bodies and networks Bulgaria/ Germany 2016 Mobility
Jorg Ottemeier Stuckbetrieb Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility
Künzel Bauunternehmen Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
Johannes Schmitz Zimmerei Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Josef Prell GmbH Businesses Germany 2016 Image, Mobility
STRABAG – Direktion Köln/Düsseldorf Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Mobility
Altun Gleis- und Tiefbau Businesses Germany 2016 Quality, Image
ABZ Mannheim Education and training providers Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
ABZ Karlsruhe Education and training providers Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Bau-Innung Rhein-Neckar Professional bodies and networks Germany 2016 Quality, Image
Verband Bauwirtschaft Nordbaden e.V. Professional bodies and networks Germany 2016 Image
Bildungszentren des Baugewerbes e. V. (BZB) Education and training providers Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Adolf Lupp GmbH + Co KG Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH Ausbildungszentrum Essen GmbH Education and training providers Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
Kolu Tiefbau Businesses Germany 2016 Quality, Image, Mobility
Berufsförderungswerk der Bauindustrie NRW gGmbH Ausbildungszentrum Hamm Education and training providers Germany 2016 Image
Bau-ABC Rostrup Education and training providers Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
Baugewerbliche Verbände Professional bodies and networks Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Johannes Debusmann Bauunternehmung Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
Koch GmbH Bauunternehmung Businesses Germany 2016 Quality, Image
GmbH Philippen Tiefbau Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
Schleiff Bauflächentechnik GmbH & Co. KG Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Zentralverband Deutsches Baugewerbe Professional bodies and networks Germany 2016 Supply, Image
Heinrich Weber, Straßen- und Tiefbau GmbH & Co. KG Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Schotes Hochbau GmbH Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality
Stuck Belz Inh. Michael Christmann Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Image
Handwerkskammer Aachen - Bildungszentrum BGZ Simmerath Chambers of Commerce/Industry/Crafts Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Confédération de l’Artisanat et des Petites Entreprises du Bâtiment - CAPEB Social partners France 2016 Image
Gebr. Hölscher Bauunternehmung GmbH Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Hans-Hermann Hürth Businesses Germany 2016 Supply, Quality, Image
Karl Heinz Stevens Bedachungen GmbH & Co. KG Businesses Germany 2016 Image
Ludwig-Klee-Stiftung Businesses Germany 2016 Image
Fédération genevoise des métiers du bâtiment Non-profit/youth organisations, Social partners Switzerland 2017 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility
CCCA-BTP (Comité de concertation et de coordination de l’apprentissage du bâtiment et des travaux publics) Professional bodies and networks, Education and training providers France 2017 Supply, Quality, Image, Mobility

Study on construction sector apprenticeships

Monitoring the learning commitment in construction (3 MB) (2017) – this study has provided an insight into construction sector apprenticeships, while mapping and assessing the implementation of construction pledges submitted until now. It has also compiled an inventory of novel, specific and/or effective solutions to the key challenges surrounding apprenticeships in the construction sector.

Further information

The contribution of combined practical work-based training and theoretical school learning to support youth employment and economic competitiveness is widely recognised. Countries with strong and attractive Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems, and notably those with well-established apprenticeship systems, tend to perform better in terms of youth employment and industrial competitiveness.

A website providing first-hand information about existing initiatives for youth in EU countries has been developed by the Social Partners of the construction industry: