Observatory - European Commission
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European construction sector observatory (ECSO)

The observatory regularly analyses and carries out comparative assessments on the construction sector in 27 EU countries and the UK, to provide policymakers and stakeholders with up-to-date information on market conditions and policy developments.

What are ECSO's objectives?


Regular analysis of the construction market in each of the 27 EU countries and the UK


Analysis of specific policy measures implemented by EU Member States and the UK


In-depth analysis of selected themes in the construction sector for the EU - 27 and the UK


Analysis of developments that may influence the long-term prospects of the construction sector


Provides a visual representation of statistics for the construction sector from each EU country and the UK


Browse through the ECSO reports by country, type of the report or topic

Give us your feedback

Help us improve our data and reports by completing the Construction Observatory feedback survey, and by sharing your experience. We will use the survey’s result, and the valuable insights and information you provide us with, to ensure that the Construction Observatory best responds to your needs and interest.

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