What are ECSO's objectives?
- to monitor market conditions and trends, as well as national/regional strategies and progress towards the five priorities of Construction 2020
- to encourage knowledge sharing and the replication of good practice
- to raise awareness on policy measures and initiatives impacting the construction value chain

- 18/05/2022 - REPowerEU - A plan to rapidly reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fast forward the green transition
- 08/02/2022 – Pact for Skill - a partnership of the construction ecosystem
- 15/12/2021 - European Green Deal: Commission proposes to boost renovation and decarbonisation of buildings
- 14/12/2021 - Scenarios for a transition pathway for a resilient, greener and more digital construction ecosystem
- 28/09/2021 - The High Level Construction Forum – meeting on a transition pathway towards a green, digital and resilient construction ecosystem
- 14/09/2021 - The European Commission has published a study on circular economy principles for buildings design
- 29/04/2021 - Recording of the Webinar of the European Construction Sector Observatory
- 29/04/2021 - Presentations from the Webinar of the European Construction Sector Observatory
- 26/01/2021 - WEF - Buildings’ energy consumption and how to fix it
- 12/01/2021 - MDPI: Results of six Horizon 2020 projects on smart distributed energy systems
- 07/01/2021 - ILO - COVID-19 impact on the construction sector
- 01/01/2021 - EIB Investment Report 2020-2021
- 07/01/2021 - Pact for Skills
- 21/10/2020 - The European Commission has published a study on occupational health and safety in the construction sector
- 14/10/2020 - 2020 report on State of the Energy Union: updates on different aspects of EU energy policy
- 12/10/2020 - Lighten the Load: EU-OSHA launches Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2020-2022
- 09/10/2020 - Message on Level(s) from Commissioner Sinkevičius
- 11/03/2020 - New Circular Economy Action Plan shows the way to a climate-neutral, competitive economy of empowered consumer
- 25/02/2020 - Designing buildings in the context of the circular economy
- 17/02/2020 - Study on empowering adults through upskilling and reskilling pathways – volume I: adult population with potential for upskilling and reskilling
- 11/12/2019 - Global inventory of regional and national qualifications frameworks 2019 – Volume II: National and regional cases
- 31/10/2019 - Policy Report on Accelerating energy renovation investments in buildings
- 03/12/2019 - Study on Internationalisation of SME's from the European construction sector in third markets
- 3-2022 - Environmental Performance in Construction
- 2-2022 - EU Internal Market for Construction
- 1-2022 - Energy efficiency and innovative solutions in the construction sector
- 7-2021 - Energy and resource efficiency in the construction sector
- 6-2021 - Investment and digitalisation in the construction sector
- 5-2021 - Late payment in the construction sector
- 4-2021 - Occupational health and safety in the construction sector
- 3-2021 - Investments in the construction sector
- 2-2021 - Skills in the construction sector
- 1-2021 - Circular Economy in Construction
- 7-2020 - Resource and energy efficiency in the construction sector
- 6-2020 - Occupational health and safety in the construction sector
- 5-2020 - Late payment in the construction sector
- 4-2020 - Skills in the construction sector
- 3-2020 - Investment in the construction sector
- 2-2020 - Internationalisation of the construction sector
- 1-2020 - Digitalisation in construction
- 1-2019 - Housing in Europe
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