Support tools and studies - European Commission
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Support tools and studies

The European Commission provides support tools to help manufacturers identify key legislation, regulations and standards in the construction sector. This webpage introduces the key online tools and studies on construction published in the EU.

Online tools for construction products

  • The NANDO database

    The NANDO database identifies notified bodies (NB) and technical assessment bodies (TAB) responsible for construction products. These bodies are assessing products and/or the manufacturing processes for relevant harmonised European standards (HEN). Public authorities in all EU countries notify the Commission of new NBs and TABs. Notifications are evaluated and entered in the database by the Commission.

  • The EU-LCI database

    The EU-LCI database provides a set of common values at EU level for the lowest concentration of interest (LCI) in indoor air and is regularly updated by a group of experts (207 kB).

  • Classified without further testing (CWFT)

    Published Commission decisions for construction products (186 kB)

Supporting indoor air quality

Overview at EU level

The staff working document (SWD) provides an overview of Commission policies, regulations, research and technical tools to support EU countries to define and improve indoor air quality. 

See the SWD on supporting indoor air quality.

Level(s): building sustainability performance

Level(s) is a voluntary reporting framework to improve the sustainability of buildings. It provides a common EU approach to assess environmental performance in the built environment.

The goals are: improved resource efficiency in construction and bringing buildings into the circular economy. The latter through a regenerative economic system, minimising energy and resource consumption. Level(s) links the environmental performance of buildings with resource priorities at European level.

The European Commission developed Level(s) in close cooperation with industry stakeholders.

See the sustainable buildings page for more information, including the test phase running from 2017 to 2019.

See the video message on Level(s) by Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius.

Studies on construction

List of construction studies initiated by the Commission

Studies on fire safety

Studies on policies for the European construction sector

Studies on regulations for the European construction sector

Studies on standards and professional skills for the European construction sector

Studies on dangerous substances in construction

Inventory on contact points - Studies on product contact points (PCP), product contact points for construction (PCPC) & point of single contact (PSC)

CE marking step-by-step

Manufacturers who plan to CE-mark their products or who are looking for a 'to-do list' can consult the CE marking step-by-step (1 MB).

The guide is available in all EU languages. The guide also explains what to do if the product changes (its processes, raw materials, testing, etc.): this makes it necessary to revise the documents required.

Remember that the rules of CE marking have changed since 1 July 2013 and you may need to update the CE marking of your products. Complete with hyperlinks to appropriate references, this brochure could prove useful to you.

EU construction and demolition waste management

The pre-demolition and renovation guidelines on waste audits for buildings are intended for those who handle waste in the demolishing and re-use/recycling in the construction sector, as well as the authorities that collaborate with them.

Complete with hyperlinks to mentioned references, the text includes best practice examples, recommended templates and a list of international, EU and national policy and framework conditions.