Review - European Commission
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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

Review of the Construction Products Regulation

The proposal for a revised Construction Products Regulation (CPR) was adopted on 30 March 2022.


Following the publication of the July 2016 implementation report, the communication 'clean energy for all Europeans' announced a possible revision of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) in November 2016.

Subsequently, the Commission decided in 2016 to launch an evaluation and an impact assessment. Due to the complexity of the process, the evaluation and the impact assessment were later decoupled.

After the publication of the evaluation in October 2019, the European green deal confirmed the review process in December 2019 and the circular economy action plan in March 2020.

The evaluation of the CPR

Initial roadmap and consultation strategy

In 2020 the Commission updated the roadmap for the CPR revision and conducted 2 consultations.


See below for summaries of dialogues on various issues between the Commission and the main stakeholders through technical platforms.

Reports and studies

Several Commission reports and studies supported the whole process.

See below for the findings of a specific external study carried out to collect evidence for the evaluation of the CPR and the impact assessment of future potential options.

Public consultation

A public consultation took place between January and April 2018 to gather experiences, views and opinions of interested stakeholders and the public on the internal market for construction products. See the summary of results.


The impact assessment and the preparation of a new proposal

Revised roadmap

Options for the future


Assessment of impacts and provisional timeline

September 2019: An external supporting study was launched to collect evidence from stakeholders.

The second public consultation on the impacts of potential options for the future took place between September and December 2020.

  • Results will be available soon.