Guidance - European Commission
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Guidance on Toy Safety

The Commission and the Expert Group on Toy Safety draw up guidance documents to assist manufacturers, importers, distributors, and public authorities in the interpretation and application of the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC. The guidance documents are not legally binding but they express the views of the majority of the Expert Group's members.

 Guidance documentslast update
N°1Guidance document on scooters (432 kB)05/10/2016
N°2The guidance document on Community legislation applicable to floating seats has become obsolete, following the publication of the new guidance document No 7.12/12/2023
N°3The guidance document on the relationship between the Safety of Toys Directive and the Cadmium Directive (Directive 91/338/EEC) has become obsolete after the Court of Justice has given its judgment in case C-9/0403/02/2003
N°4Guidance document on grey zone problem: Is a specific product covered by the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC or not (198 kB)15/10/2015
N°5"Guidelines on the treatment of 'grey zone' products - criteria to classify products consisting of miniatures to be assembled and painted and their support products" has become obsolete, following the publication of the new guidance document No 2021/11/2024
N°6"Guidelines on the treatment of 'grey zone' products - criteria for differentiating dolls for adult collectors from toys" has become obsolete, following the publication of the new guidance document No 20.21/11/2024
N°7Guidance document on toys and other products used in or on the water (3 MB)12/12/2023
N°8Guidance document on pools (10.1 MB)28/01/2019
N°9Guidance document on books (2 MB)10/12/2013
N°10Guidance document on musical instruments (1 MB)26/02/2019
N°11Guidance document on toys intended for children under 36 months of age or of 36 months and over (4 MB)13/06/2023
N°12Guidance document on packaging (5 MB)09/07/2012

Guidance document on crafts (544 kB)

NEW! Guidance document on craft kits (3 MB)



N°14Guidance document on sports equipment (103 Kb)18/01/2012
N°15Guidance document on writing instruments and stationery (596 kB)09/10/2012
N°16Guidance document on electronic equipment (6 MB)09/07/2012
N°17Guidance document on disguise costumes (287 kB)04/12/2012
N°18Guidance document on puffer balls and similar toys (498 kB)16/09/2019
N°19Guidance document on soother holders (1 MB)26/09/2019

Guidance document on decorative products and products for collectors (2 MB)

NEW! Guidance document on decorative products and products for collectors




Guideline on the interpretation of the concept 'which can be placed in the mouth' as laid down in the entry 52 of Annex XVII to REACH Regulation 1907/2006 (386 kB)08/01/2014

The English version of the guide is expected to be revised on a regular basis and there will always be some delay before updated translations are available.
The version number is given on the front page of the guide (e.g. 'Version 1.3').

Please consult the English version to ensure that the translated version is up to date. Changes made between versions are listed after the table of contents.

  • Technical documentation guidance document (translations v1.5, pdf, 2 MB)
Template of the EC Declaration of Conformity (27 kB)13/07/2011
Overview of the warnings required by the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC in the different languages (162 kB)12/09/2014
Overview of the national language requirements for warnings, information and documentation as foreseen by the Member States' transposition legislation of Directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys (253 kB)02/10/2014

Notes from market surveillance

The market surveillance authorities in charge of toy safety, known as the Administrative Cooperation (ADCO) group of the Expert Group on Toy Safety, has issued the notes below. These aim to help understand the approach of market surveillance authorities to specific issues. The approach respresents the majority view amongst the market surveillance authorities.

Soft-filled toys with sequins - 6 March 2019

Small magnetic balls and magnetic building kits – 28 August 2024

Recommendations and Protocols under Directive 2009/48/EC

The co-ordination group of notified bodies under the Toy Safety Directive, known as NB-Toys, has issued Recommendations and Protocols to help them fulfil their tasks. They are applied by the notified bodies on a voluntary basis.

Guidance for notified bodies

The Commission issued an interpretative document on the use by notified bodies of their name and number for activities not required by EU legislation.