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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

The EU Product Compliance Network (EUPCN) aims to structure the coordination and cooperation between market surveillance authorities in EU countries, and streamline market surveillance practices within the EU that facilitate the implementation of joint enforcement activities by member state authorities, such as joint investigations.

The network's administrative support structure allows the pooling of resources and maintains a communication and information system between EU countries, helping to strengthen the enforcement of EU harmonisation legislation on products and deter infringements.

The EUPCN was established by the Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and adopted its rules of procedure in February 2021.

EUPCN meetings

See the agendas and minutes of EU Product Compliance Network meetings for 202120222023, 2024 and 2025.

EUPCN structure

The network is composed of representatives from each EU country, including a representative of each single liaison office and an optional national expert, the chairs of the Administrative Cooperation Groups ('ADCOs'), and representatives from the European Commission.

Role and tasks of the network

  • prepare, adopt and monitor the implementation of its work programme
  • facilitate the identification of common priorities for market surveillance activities and the exchange of information across sectors on product evaluations, including risk assessment, test methods and results, recent scientific developments and new technologies, emerging risks and other aspects relevant to control activities and on the implementation of national market surveillance strategies and activities
  • coordinate ADCOs and their activities
  • organise cross-sector joint market surveillance and testing projects, and define their priorities
  • exchange expertise and best practices, in particular regarding the implementation of national market surveillance strategies
  • facilitate the organisation of training programmes and personnel exchanges
  • organise information campaigns and voluntary mutual visit programmes between market surveillance authorities
  • discuss questions arising from cross-border mutual assistance mechanisms
  • contribute to the development of guidance to ensure the effective and uniform application of the Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020
  • propose the financing of activities referred to in Article 36 of the Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020
  • help bring into uniformity administrative practices with regard to market surveillance in EU countries
  • provide advice and assist the Commission with issues related to the further development of Safety Gate (RAPEX) and the information and communication system referred to in Article 34 of the Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020
  • promote the cooperation and exchange of expertise and best practices between market surveillance authorities and authorities in charge of controls at the EU's external borders
  • promote and facilitate collaboration with other relevant networks and groups, to explore possibilities for using new technologies for the purposes of market surveillance and traceability of products
  • regularly evaluate national market surveillance strategies
  • take up any other issues in activities within the remit of the network, with the aim of contributing to the effective functioning of market surveillance within the EU


GROW-EUPCNatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (GROW-EUPCN[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)