Organisation - European Commission
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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

The implementation of market surveillance in Europe

Implementation of market surveillance at national level

EU countries must ensure effective surveillance of their markets. They are required to guarantee that

  • products placed on the market are monitored
  • the marking and documentation requirements have been respected
  • products have been designed and manufactured in accordance with EU harmonisation requirements
  • market surveillance authorities have the necessary powers, resources and knowledge to perform their functions
  • procedures are put in place for following up complaints and monitoring accidents

List of national market surveillance authorities

This section provides contact details of national authorities competent for market surveillance in different areas.

List of national market surveillance authorities by sector

List of national market surveillance authorities by EU country

Information exchange and cooperation at EU level

Effective cross-border cooperation between market surveillance authorities in different EU countries is essential to ensure efficient, comprehensive, and consistent market surveillance.

The EU Product Compliance Network (EUPCN), established by the Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, is the main cooperation forum between national authorities responsible for enforcing EU product legislation in the non-food area. The network has a broad mandate to ensure cooperation and information exchange between market surveillance authorities in various product sectors, to define priorities for market surveillance at EU level and to initiate coordinated or joint initiatives promoting compliance and enforcement.

In addition, the EU legislative framework – including the Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and sector specific EU harmonisation legislation aligned to Decision 768/2008/EC and Directive 2001/95/EC – provide tools for the pooling of information and cooperation at EU level. They include

  • The EU information and communication system for market surveillance (ICSMS), a common platform used by market surveillance authorities to share their product investigations, inform each other about their results and the measures taken, and to cooperate on cases with a cross-border component. ICSMS includes a public access area where the public can search for specific products reported on the platform and for responsible authorities.
  • The EU rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products (Safety Gate), which enables the swift circulation of information about dangerous products amongst market surveillance authorities and with the European Commission. Daily alerts circulated by national authorities can be consulted on Safety Gate.
  • Safeguard procedures, requiring EU countries to communicate any restrictive measures they take against the free circulation of a product because it presents a risk or it does not comply with EU rules.
  • Administrative Co-operation Groups (AdCos) – these groups bring together market surveillance experts specialised in given product sectors or product legislation to facilitate cooperation, the exchange of expertise and effective enforcement in their area. The logistics of AdCos are supported by the European Commission and the chairs of AdCos participate in the European Product Compliance Network alongside the Single Liaison Offices representing national market surveillance authorities.
  • Financing of joint actions– the Commission, through the Single Market Programme, finances market surveillance activities carried out jointly by national authorities, in line with the needs and priorities identified by the European Product Compliance Network.

National market surveillance programmes

This section presents the latest market surveillance programmes provided by EU countries pursuant to Article 18(5) of Regulation (EC) 765/2008. The templates for the preparation of national market surveillance programmes are available in all EU languages.

Reviews and assessments of the functioning of market surveillance activities

This section presents Member States' reviews and assessments of the functioning of market surveillance activities carried out for the 2010 to 2013 period. These reports were drafted pursuant to Article 18(6) of Regulation (EC) 765/2008.

A similar exercise ran for the reviews and assessments of the functioning of market surveillance activities carried out for the 2014 to 2016 period.

Support documents on market surveillance


Other documents





  • Good practices market surveillance activities related to non-food consumer products sold online: Report (728 kB) / Annex (911 kB)